Friday, April 3, 2009

Pet First Aide Kit

Pet First Aid Kit
By Doris Canova

In this article we hope to give you some ideas on how to
creating your own home first aid kit and the things that are
needed inside the kit. These products as well as some medication
also may be used in an actual emergency. NOTE: As to medications
never! Give your cat aspirin or an aspirin substitute unless you
have contacted our Vet, and then after calling your Vet, he will
then direct you to do so as well as amount to administer.

Ant diarrheal medication: (Kaopectate) you may give your cat
one tablespoon five times a day as a treatment for simple
diarrhea. Call your Vet if the diarrhea persists longer then one

Bandages: Keep a supply of different sizes and sterile dressing
as well as cotton swabs; also have a roll of adhesive tape. You
also will want a pair of scissors to cut the tape as well.

Hairball remedy: This petroleum based medication this can be
purchased at your pet store or even drug store as well. Ask your
Vet to recommend a brand to you and then as always fellow the
enclosed directions.

Hydrogen peroxide: You will use this to clean out cuts and
disinfect small minor cuts, scratches and wounds. Caution! On
wounds around the head do not get in the mouth of your pet at

Liquid antacid: (Maalox, Mylanta). You may give one tablespoon
for every five pounds of your cat’s weight to relieve an upset
stomach. If the vomiting persists, for more then a day sees
you’re Vet for more information.

Mineral oil: You may use this to clean your cat's ears, NOTE:
do not use ant Q-tip in the pet’s ear. You may also mix one
tablespoon with the cat’s dry food once or twice a week to help
relieve constipation, and also help with the cat hairballs
problems as well.

Petroleum jelly: You can rub this over your cat’s eyes area
when you are bathing. When you do this it will keep the water
and soap out of the eyes.

Rectal thermometer: When using the thermometer you must keep
your pet still and relaxed as much as possible. The normal range
for your cat’s temperature will range from approx. 100 to 102.5
degrees. Consult your veterinarian if your cat’s temperature
moves from this range.

Tweezers and needle nose pliers: You can use the tweezers to
carefully remove broken glass, splinters, or even ticks from the
cat. Use the pliers to remove half swallowed objects out of the
cat’s throat if necessary. NOTE: While looking to remove
something from the pet’s throat look carefully for any tears in
the lining of the mouth and into the throat.

We hope that you can see that if you can have these things in
our first Aide kit we you just might see what it means when they
say "Be Prepared" and your cat as well as a dog will love you
for it as well. After all our pets belong to our families as
well, and we want to take care for them correctly.

About the Author: We plan to post articles that are informative
and helpful to other cat lovers. Having been "owned" by cats for
years, we know they can be demanding, but also be very
entertaining and fun. Visit our website for products your cat
may enjoy and our blog


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